Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 538: The Way of the World (from Invincible Fight Girl)

GC13, Soren, and David discuss the third episode of Invincible Fight Girl, The Way of the World.

Andy vs Mbrandon, fight! It’s our second wrestling match of the show, and it’s a much tougher fight than Immaculate was. But then, Immaculate is a jobber, so the fact that he loses isn’t a surprise.

Thankfully the show found it just as amazing as we did that Andy was able to absorb all of those powerful hits and survive. She’s getting stronger…

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 537: Friends (from Invincible Fight Girl)

GC13 and David discuss the third episode of Invincible Fight Girl, Friends.

It’s an episode about friends, and we know one guy who isn’t going to be one of the eponymous friends. (It’s okay Craig, you’ve just got some growing to do yet.) Thankfully Mikey is plenty friendly, and Andy is willing to fight for his right to live his dream. Mbrandon seemed to be expecting a fight, but it looks like Andy being the one to issue the challenge was still a surprise.

Also, were there any Friends references in this episode? Man we really hope not…

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 536: Dreamers and Busters (from Invincible Fight Girl)

GC13, Soren, and David discuss the second episode of Invincible Fight Girl, Dreamers and Busters.

Now the hooks are well and truly into us. Depending on how you feel about magic there may not be much “wrestling” in this episode, but it sets Andy out into the world of wrestling and by golly, she gets Surfs Upped by Quesa Poblana at the end, as she always must have.

And a brief message to Immaculate: good luck paying the fine for laying hands on a referee with a jobber’s salary. You’ll need it.

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 535: I Am (from Invincible Fight Girl)

GC13, Soren, and David discuss the first episode of Invincible Fight Girl, I Am.

In a world where wrestling is everything, one girl born on Accountant Isle dreams of becoming a wrestler. She’s trained in secret, and when the time comes she doesn’t back down from a fight. Sound exciting? Wait until you see the fights animated—they’re beautiful!

And if you’re no fan of wrestling, don’t worry: GC13 is. He’ll make sure to fill you in on all of the details!

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 534: Delicious in Dungeon episode 24 (Dumplings 2 and Bacon and Eggs)

GC13, Soren, David, and Ken discuss the twenty-fourth episode of Delicious in Dungeon, Dumplings 2 and Bacon and Eggs.

Ken joins us to finish off the first season! We’ll be assembled as four when we finally get a second season to chew on.

But season one left us with plenty of chewing to do. The manga may have answered all questions, but we’ll have to wait to see the many, many answers we want all animated in glorious Studio Trigger style.

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 533: Delicious in Dungeon episode 23 (Griffin Soup and Dumplings 1)

GC13, Soren, and David discuss the twenty-third episode of Delicious in Dungeon, Griffin Soup and Dumplings 1.

And now we know the truth. Thankfully though, so does Senshi. Laois, you solved another mystery with your crazy monster obsession, congratulations!

The changelings made it hard for them though, especially when it changed their own bodies as well. Marcille is unreasonably cute as a half-foot, but maybe someone should have stopped kobold Izutsumi from making the dumplings…

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 532: Delicious in Dungeon episode 22 (Griffin and Familiars)

GC13, Soren, and David discuss the twenty-second episode of Delicious in Dungeon, Griffin and Familiars.

You can always trust Laios to know exactly how to kill a monster, especially after Marcille did such a good job bringing it to the ground. Ah, another day is saved: the monster is dead, Senshi is safe, and Chilchuck has even re-introduced himself to the party.

Of course now this means that episode twenty-three is next. Deep breaths, we can do this.

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 531: Delicious in Dungeon episode 21 (Egg and the Golden Country)

GC13, Soren, and David discuss the twenty-first episode of Delicious in Dungeon, Egg and the Golden Country.

Who had prophecy on their dungeon crawling Bingo card? Now Laios has been named as the one true savior of the Golden Country so now it’s time for him to start thinking really hard about what he’d do if it was king.

The Canaries are on the scene though. Kabru’s insinuated himself into their investigation, but now we’re on the clock.

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 530: Delicious in Dungeon episode 20 (Ice Golem and Barometz)

GC13, Soren, and David discuss the twentieth episode of Delicious in Dungeon, Ice Golem and Barometz.

Chilchuck and Izutsumi don’t get off to the best start, but at least Chilchuck is able to point our bad but agile kitty at the ice golem’s weak point—now no one will ever know that Senshi’s irresponsibility is what caused this ice golem!

While the party’s barometz may not have been fully ripened, at least picky eater Izutsumi liked that it tasted like crab. If only Marcille hadn’t been so insistent Izutsumi eat it, maybe she wouldn’t have had to try some herself…

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 529: Delicious in Dungeon episode 19 (Hag and Nightmare)

GC13, Soren, and David discuss the nineteenth episode of Delicious in Dungeon, Hag and Nightmare.

Never has Delicious in Dungeon felt more like two episodes stuck together into one, but we suppose starting your second half in a dream and going full Inception will do that sort of thing to you.

Izutsumi may not have needed to threaten Marcille, but thankfully the party goes easy on her. She’s given Laios hope for Falin, and in exchange they’ve given her a place in the party—and a lesson in spoon holding!