Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 471: Fionna Campbell (from Fionna and Cake)

GC13 and David discuss Fionna Campbell from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake.

In this move to Max Adventure Time has taken some steps they couldn’t have taken on Cartoon Network while remaining fundamentally itself, if you can get over the sadness. Some people are not meant to give bus tours, and others need their own bakery as soon as possible.

It’s not a pleasant first episode, but remember: Fionna and Cake were born from the fanfiction of the Ice King, and he’s not having such a great time right now. Let’s hope everyone finds the magic they need for their life.


  1. Listened to this today.

    I’ve watched every episode released this season as of writing (6 episodes), so I’ll reframe from posting anything potentially spoiler-y here as you go through the show.

    It should be noted that the “Peppermint Butler” lady is the human version of Butterscotch Butler, from one of the previous Fionna & Cake episodes in the OG show:

    I don’t blame you for not remembering. I recently rewatched all the show (Started back in September of last year) and recently caught up with the episodes I missed after I dropped off during its original run this past August, so this stuff is fresh in my mind.

    More easter eggs and references found by the guy that made that “Flapjack cartoon family tree” image here:

  2. I honestly welcome the less-than-optimistic tone; it serves to partly show that this is going to be a different experience than “Finn & Jake having adventures but their the opposite genders now”.

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