Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 190: Letters to Lars

GC13 and Isabelle discuss the final episode before the coming storm: Letters to Lars.

What will be so dangerous that the town will need to seek refuge? Where will they shelter? Why is it that Amethyst can shapeshift away the human clothing she’s wearing as part of the improv troupe?

Pearl is still adorbable, Dewey is still the greatest.

Oh yes, and Chunk Truck still isn’t Concrete Heat.


    • SpectrumTwelve on May 7, 2018 at 8:30 pm

    I’ll chalk it up to Amethyst just having shapeshifted the clothing on in the first place cuz her beach outfit wasn’t necessarily her key colors. Peridot can’t shapeshift so she would’ve had to just wear one. I’ll just assume this cuz it makes me feel better >:V

    • SpectrumTwelve on May 7, 2018 at 8:36 pm

    Steven may have just forgotten the guy’s names or maybe Lars was remembering them improperly in his head, the wrestler guy.

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